Keep calm and HODL
on with Hugware®.

Every bag holder needs it.

Access NFT-friendly ED25519 blockchains with Hugware’s upgraded H2 chip, giving you a wider crypto-safety net.

Hugware H2 parts


Hugware H2

You’re safe

Whether you have diamond hands or paper hands, the Hugware cold wallet duplet will keep you in safe hands.

Secure your assets with a randomly generated master seed that never leaves your Hugware keys.

Synchronise your Hugware keys with confidence through secure key-wrapping technology.

Take control of your asset recovery with synchronised Hugware keys that act as each other’s 2FA device.

Stay safe with UKISS Hub’s bank-grade security, e.g., app shielding, hardening, and white-box cryptography.

Pump, dump, and HODL across 20++ networks.

We got you.

Pump, dump, and HODL across 20++ networks.

We got you.

Tens of billions of Bitcoin have been locked by people who forgot their seed phrases.

Source: Chainanalysis

Bye bye
Bye Bye Phrases
Bye Bye Phrases
Bye bye

Secured with PINs you can actually remember, backing up and recovering your seed has never been easier!

It’s time to synchronise your cold wallets and move away from error-prone mnemonic phrases.

Media Feature