If you have forgotten your PIN but have created a backup code for it, you must retrieve the code from where you store it. Then, follow the instructions below to retrieve and reset your PIN and create a backup for the new PIN.
These instructions are only for those who have created a backup code for the PIN. You may try the Reset PIN function if you do not have a backup code.
Pick up the Authentication or Rescue Key for this operation
We assume this is the key you forgot the PIN to, but have a backup code.
Open UKISS Hub. In Hugware Manager, select PIN Backup.
选择 “检索 PIN”
View your backup code and copy it
Recover PIN
- In the available field, paste the code.
- If you are retrieving your PIN on an Android mobile device, you may scan the QR code or upload a screenshot of the QR code instead.
Create new PIN
Back up the new PIN
Create a backup code for the new PIN.